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A mobile app to practice vocabulary


Alloprof is launching a new app that appeals to kids and teachers alike. What’s more, the multi-platform exercise is easy to use and free!

The app, available for IOS and Android, allows you to generate a custom list of words from a bank of 16,000 audio and written words!

Every elementary teacher gives their students a weekly list of words to learn. Every family in Quebec practices these words to learn how to spell them correctly.

This app, developed by Alloprof, is ideal for interactive learning and will help make practicing vocabulary fun for Quebec students. The exercise is also available online at:

Fun and easy to use, the vocabulary exercise allows teachers to generate a unique access code from the list of words they’re creating. Their students simply have to enter the code to see the list of words to study!

Generate your own word list today to share with your students!

Download the app:

Apple Store:

?Google Play: