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Real heroes don’t wear capes, they teach

12 novembre 2018

To give you an extra hand, Alloprof has created a new section for teachers (Zone enseignants) on their website, as well as a special newsletter. You’ll find an article listing the top five reasons to use Alloprof, the best tools for every subject and grade, and a suggestion box to share your ideas.

Sign up for the newsletter (french only) for teachers to get useful tips and learn about new educational tools released by Alloprof throughout the year. You could win a $250 bookstore gift certificate.

Fun resources for learning English
Are you looking for resources to help your students learn English as a second language? Tell them to check out the Spellers game or the Irregular Verbs Challenge app and to consult our list of featured elementary school-level resources for learning English.

Alloprof’s mission is to provide services to help students feel more accomplished, independent and motivated and to help them stay in school. The organization provides educational support to students and their parents by offering free homework help services from professional and engaging tutors. In 2017–2018, the organization will have helped nearly 400,000 students 22 million times. Spread the word!