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The best way to react to your child’s report card


Report card day is an important moment. Whether or not your kid brings home straight As, your reaction can impact their motivation level and the rest of their school year.


If you take a step back, you can avoid having too much of an emotional reaction. Before judging your child’s grades, remember that students don’t all learn at the same speed.


That’s why it’s important to have expectations that match your child’s potential and to focus on their efforts and progress. Avoid comparing their grades with those of others.


Before discussing your child’s report card with them, remember to:

•Offer them support and affection


•Avoid over-reacting

•Congratulate them for their achievements


To help your child get better results on their next report card:

•Supervise them when they’re doing homework

•Teach them how to be organized

•Ask their teacher to give them additional exercises in certain subjects

•Make homework time more engaging


Knowing that you’re interested in what they learn at school can really help motivate them to work harder.


For other great tips for parents, go to (French only).