École Alain-Fortin

Caisse Desjardins Ontario (Ottawa)

Select this school École Alain-Fortin

Learn to save

Ask one of your parents to contact your school or Desjardins caisse to find out when and how to make your deposits.

Contact information

At school

École Alain-Fortin 613 749-7454

676, promenade Lakeridge
Orléans (ONK4A 0J8

At the caisse

Caisse Desjardins Ontario (Ottawa) 1-833-337-5668

2591, boulevard St-Joseph
Orléans (ON) K1C 1G4

How do deposits work?

Make regular deposits

There are 2 ways:

  1. Desjardins money transfer
  2. In-person at the caisse or credit union