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Confidentiality policy

Your privacy is important and Desjardins takes the protection of your personal information very seriously.


It's our responsibility to ensure that all the information we collect is handled securelyThis is the basis of our Privacy Policy (the "Policy") and how we apply itIt explains why we collect personal information, how we handle it and how we protect it.


Our Policy is based on 4 key principles:

  • Your consent for Desjardins Group to collect, use and disclose your personal information
  • Our commitment to only collect necessary personal information
  • Our responsibility to protect the security and confidentiality of your personal information
  • Our transparency about our practices and obligations in this regard



By using the School Caisse mobile application (the "app") and providing us with your personal information, you consent to us using and disclosing the information we collect about you as described in the Policy.


This policy applies to all individuals who use the School Caisse website or app (the "Users").


Getting your consent

We only collect, use and disclose whatever personal information is necessary, unless otherwise authorized by law.


Your consent for Desjardins Group to collect, use and disclose your personal information is mandatory to use the website and application.


Collecting only what's necessary

What personal information does Desjardins collect?
The personal information we collect can varyHowever, we follow these basic rules:



  • We only collect whatever personal information is necessary.
  • We only use personal information for the purposes specified in the Policy.
  • We do not use it for advertising purposes.



The type of information we collectExemples
Identifying information
  • First and last name
  • Username
Authentication information
  • Password
Information about how you use our websites and applications
  • Information collected through cookies
  • Browsing preferences (language, province, etc.)
  • Clickstream data and browsing history on our websites and apps
  • IP address
  • Information about your device, operating system or browser
Information about your communication choices and preferences
  • Choices and preferences for how we communicate with you
Usage information
  • Content consulted


How will my personal information be collected?

We collect your personal information from a variety of sources:

1. Directly from you

you create an account or log in
When creating an account, you're required to enter:

  • Your username
  • A password

What is this personal information used for?

  • So you can log in to your account
  • So we can answer your questions or contact you when necessary

2. When you use the app or website

We collect information about you every time you use the app or website.


This information may be collected via cookies or directly on our siteFor more information, see How we collect, use and disclose information on Desjardins websites.


We may collect information, including your country and province, through analytical tools.

Being transparent about our practices

For what reasons does Desjardins use my personal information?

We'll let you know if we plan to use your personal information for any other purpose than listed below, unless we're legally authorized to use it otherwise.


In order to create your account so that you can use our app and website, we use your information as follows:

To provide you with an application that meets your expectations

  • Maintaining our application, including fixing software bugs and operational issues
  • Creating or updating your account, as needed

To serve you

  • Improving the platform and navigation experience
  • Answering your questions or contacting you when necessary
  • Providing you with assistance and support and responding to your requests for information
  • Responding to complaints and negative feedback

To conduct research and development

We sometimes use the information we collect for research purposes to improve the user experienceThis information helps us come up with statistical models that we use to develop new content.

To meet our legal obligations and respond to requests, warrants and orders from courts and other agencies

  • Protecting your rights and interests as well as our own
  • Cooperating with the authorities during legal proceedings or administrative investigations
  • Working with any organization that has the power to prevent, detect or punish crime and legal violations
  • Preventing cyber threats, fraud and other financial crimes
  • To meet our legal and moral obligations

Who has access to my personal information?

Access to your personal information is limited to employees who need it to do their job.


Every year, our employees are required to sign an agreement stating that they will protect the confidentiality of any personal information they may need in order to carry out their dutiesThey're also required to take ongoing training about security and the protection of personal information.

Who can my personal information be shared with?

Our commitment is clear: we will never sell your personal information to anyone.


However, we may need to disclose your personal information to third parties in the normal course of business.


We may disclose information about you to our suppliers and partners.


Here's a non-exhaustive list of some of our suppliers and partners:

  • Information technology (IT) services and products companies
  • Cloud, web hosting and data processing services
  • App developers

These partners and suppliers are contractually required to comply with our strict standards to ensure the protection and confidentiality of your personal information as outlined in the PolicyWe only disclose the personal information our suppliers and partners require to perform their duties, functions and contractual obligations.


In addition to being subject to confidentiality obligations, the employees of suppliers who have access to personal information must also fully comply with our contractual requirementsAll suppliers and partners must apply adequate physical, IT and administrative security measures.


Unless we're legally authorized to share your personal information without your consent, we'll inform you of any new needs as they ariseEither way, we're committed to protecting the confidentiality of the information we disclose.

Protecting the confidentiality of your personal information

Is my personal information safe?

We rigorously apply the security measures required to ensure the protection of your personal information.


These measures may consist of:

  • Office access cards
  • Locked filing cabinets
  • Any other security measures required to ensure access is only granted to authorized persons

Technology security measures

  • Password
  • Data encryption
  • Access management system
  • Any other security measures required to restrict access

Administrative security measures

  • Access to personal information is limited to Desjardins employees, agents and representatives who require it to carry out their job duties.
  • All employees must review and sign the Desjardins Code of Professional Conduct and an annual statement of compliance containing strict rules about the protection of personal information.
  • Employees and consultants must undergo regular training and awareness-building campaigns related to the Desjardins Code of Professional Conduct as well as policies, practices and procedures relating to security and privacy.

For more information about these security measures, please visit the following page: Security | Desjardins.

Where is my personal information stored?

Your information is usually stored in Canada, although we sometimes work with suppliers and partners located outside of the country.


If we need to disclose personal information to these suppliers and partners, we will make sure that their privacy policies meet our strict requirementsWe will also ask these suppliers and partners to sign a contract stating that they agree to comply with these standards.


In all cases, we're committed to protecting your personal information and making sure it remains confidential.

How is my information stored?

We will store your personal information in a secure and confidential manner for as long as required by law.


For example, in Canada, we're subject to laws and regulations that stipulate minimum retention periodsThe retention periods must take into account the exhaustion of potential remedies and limitation periods applicable in CanadaThese time limits vary depending on each situationTherefore, we may retain your personal information after your relationship with us has ended.

When and how is information disposed of?

Once the retention period has expired, we ensure that your personal information is safely disposed of or anonymized. Disposal means the definitive deletion of your informationAnonymization means that your personal information is changed to the extent that it can no longer be used to identify you, either directly or indirectlyThis process cannot be reversed.


Disposal and anonymization are carried out in a secure manner, in accordance with applicable best practices.

Respecting your rights with respect to your personal information

Can I access, correct or update my personal information?

Yes, you can access your personal information at any time.


You can also let us know if any of your information needs to be changed or updatedSee our contact information below.


Customer service


If you have any questions, concerns or complaints about the way your personal information is being used:

  • 1. Contact us

    You can write to us via the School Caisse | Contact form ( or give us a call at one of the following numbers:

    • Montreal area: 514-224-7737 options 9, 2, 5
    • Elsewhere in Quebec, Canada or the United States: 1-800-224-7737 options 9, 2, 5


  • 2. If you're not satisfied with the response you received, you can contact the Desjardins Group Chief Privacy Officer:


By mailBy email
Office of the Chief Privacy Officer
100 Des Commandeurs Street
Lévis QC G6V 7N5


Understanding our Policy

Who is the Privacy Policy for?

The Policy is for anyone who uses our website or communicates with us by any means whatsoever, and any person whose personal information we might collect in connection with our regular business activities.

What does it apply to?

The Policy applies to the personal information we collect and store about you, which includes any information about you or your business relationship with the School Caisse app that makes it possible to identify you.


We collect, use, disclose and protect your personal information in accordance with Canada's privacy laws.

Can the Policy be changed? If so, will I be informed?

Yes, we may make certain changes to our Privacy Policy from time to timeIf we do, we'll post a notice on our website.


Be sure to check the Policy every now and then to review any recent updatesChanges are effective as of the date indicated.