École Notre-Dame-du-Sourire

Caisse Desjardins de Viger et Villeray

Select this school École Notre-Dame-du-Sourire


Next deposit drop off on February 19.

Contact information

At school

École Notre-Dame-du-Sourire 418 862-4410

280, rue Sirois
Saint-Épiphane (QCG0L 2X0

At the caisse

Caisse Desjardins de Viger et Villeray 418 898-2061

91, rue St-Jean-Baptiste C.P. 127
L'Isle-Verte (QC) G0L 1K0

School deposit schedule

The circled dates correspond to the deposit dates.


Consult the FAQ for answers to the most frequently asked questions about the school caisse program.

Consult FAQ