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Even more talk about responsible consumption and sustainable development?


There are several good reasons why you should start discussing this with your child.

First, because your child will learn why it's important to make responsible consumption choices by choosing ethical, recyclable and sustainable products.


Next, because sustainable development ensures that resources are distributed fairly and helps fight social inequality.


And above all, because taking care of the planet helps preserve the environment and natural resources for future generations.


The best way to get your child interested in all of this is to participate in a practical activity. Here are a few suggested activities that will both allow you to talk to about it and allow your child to do something they're good at.


  • Research sustainable solutions and technological innovations that have helped solve environmental problems.
  • Be creative and come up with a solution to an environmental problem. Give a presentation to other family members.
  • Organize a creative kitchen contest in which you use your leftovers. You'll be surprised to see what a child can put together just by using leftover vegetables or pasta.
  • Read books on sustainable development.
  • Bring your child to the grocery store and ask them to choose eco-friendly products or to pick some out by looking at the labels of the products.
  • Learn how to have a garden at home, then make one.
  • Design toys or games using recycled materials.
  • Make a list of things you could change at home to save money and make better choices. 
  • Show your child how to sort the items we throw away. Create a poster that reminds you of the signs, bins and garbage cans used for each type of item we throw away.
  • Visit local farmers to demonstrate how they contribute to public health and to the environment.
  • Make your own natural cleaning products together.  
  • Complete a mini-survey to get your child thinking about their eco-friendly and ethical habits.

You can make changes to any of these activities to better suit your child's age and interests. The goal is to make them aware of responsible consumption and sustainable development in an environment that's fun, interactive and engaging. 


Have fun!