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Educational activities with evaluations

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Learning how money circulates

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Age group

Students ages 10 and 11


April and May

Time required

7 hours

Broad areas of learning

Citizenship and community life

Activity summary

Students learn how money circulates through an interactive game. They find out the difference between saving and borrowing and learn about Quebec’s socio-historical context in 1900.

Financial skills

  • Understand the money cycle
  • Understand that money is earned by working


Subject-specific competencies targeted



Progressions of learning

Social Studies

Understanding the organization of a society in its territory

Québec society around 1905


To reason using mathematical concepts and processes

  • Matches a decimal number with a fraction or percentage

  • Adding and subtracting decimal numbers

Subject-specific competencies targeted

  • English Language Arts- To use language to communicate and learn

Cross-curricular competencies

  • Cooperates with others


Students find out the difference between saving and borrowing and learn about quebec’s socio-historical context in 1900.


Time required

60 minutes

Task 1

Learn about money circulation

Task 1 objective

By the end of this task, students will be able to understand the differences between using their savings and borrowing money to make purchases.


  • Show the students the video.
  • Discuss what they know about the circulation of money.


Task 2

Learn about rural life in 1900

Task 2 objective

By the end of this task, students will be able to use socio-historical reference points related to the creation of Alphonse Desjardins’s cooperative.


  • Divide the students into 6 teams.
  • Give each team one part of the Looking Back on Alphonse Desjardins and Rural Life in 1900 worksheet
  • Give the teams time to answer the questions.
  • Encourage the students to find a photo to support their research.
  • Give the teams some time to prepare a presentation for the rest of the group.
  • Ask each team to present their findings.



Students learn safe financial practices when using payment methods and share them with their peers.


Time required

90 minutes

Task 1

Play a game about the past

Task 1 objective

By the end of this task, students will become familiar with the basics of economics. This task consists of playing a game that will show students that money circulates, is obtained by working and can be borrowed.


  • Divide the class into four or five teams so everyone can play. Students can also play in small groups of five or six players.
  • Explain the game to the students.
  • Distribute the material.
  • Distribuer le matériel.
  • Play!


Students apply the concepts learned by solving a math problem.


Time required

60 minutes

Task 1

Evaluate a problem-solving procedure through a math problem

Task 1 objective

By the end of this task, students will be able to complete calculations involving decimal numbers in response to a money-related problem.


  • Distribute Mr. Auger’s Account Statement sheet to each student.
  • Read the task description with the students.
  • Give them time to complete the task.
  • Collect the copies and correct them using the evaluation grid.