École Curé-Beaudet

Caisse Desjardins des Sommets de la Beauce

Select this school École Curé-Beaudet

Make a deposit

Today is deposit drop off day!

Contact information

At school

École Curé-Beaudet 418 228-5541 poste 7173

24, rue du Collège
Saint-Éphrem-de-Beauce (QCG0M 1R0

At the caisse

Caisse Desjardins des Sommets de la Beauce 418 484-2804

9, route 271 Sud
Saint-Éphrem-de-Beauce (QC) G0M 1R0

School deposit schedule

The circled dates correspond to the deposit dates.



Consult the FAQ for answers to the most frequently asked questions about the School Caisse program.


Consult the FAQ

Stay informed!