Winger Public School

Caisse Desjardins Ontario (Toronto/Sud-Ouest)

Select this school Winger Public School

Your child’s school does not currently offer School Caisse activities. You can still enjoy all the educational benefits of the program at home by signing up today.

Contact information

At school

Winger Public School 905 899-3821

53220 Winger
Wainfleet (ONL0S 1V0

At the caisse

Caisse Desjardins Ontario (Toronto/Sud-Ouest) 1-833-337-5668

637, rue Niagara - Unité 1
Welland (ON) L3C 1L9

How do deposits work?

Make regular desposits

There are 2 ways:

  1. Desjardins money transfer
  2. In-person at the caisse or credit union


Consult the FAQ for answers to the most frequently asked questions about the School Caisse program.


Consult the FAQ

Stay informed!