08 March , 2023
What are some everyday things you can do to promote sustainability?
Take a few minutes together to learn about how to extend the life of your sports equipment and save money at the end of the winter season. Get active!
08 February , 2023
Actions to take to reduce certain impacts of inflation
Why should we be talking about inflation? Because children are curious. They want to learn and understand what grown-ups are talking about. And, most importantly, because talking about inflation and its effects is current and relevant and can have a positive effect on your family.
04 January , 2023
How to help your child define the stages of a project
To help your child set a savings goal, a few steps must be defined beforehand. They have to be well prepared and put in the effort to achieve their goal.
21 November , 2022
What your child should know about taxes
Has your child noticed that purchases at checkout are usually priced a little higher than on the tag? Tax calculation is an important notion in his financial education.
26 September , 2022
Teach your child to avoid easy money scams
To educate your child and heighten their reflexes so they won't be victims of fraud, you need to know how a fraudster might get in touch with your child. This way, they can pick up on the right clues.