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06 September , 2023

The School Caisse story

Stories are always fun to tell and hear. Help your child discover the history of the School Caisse by telling them about the people that made it happen.

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05 July , 2023

Housing and moving

Moving is a big change for everyone, and that includes kids. Since it's such a big deal, it's important to talk to them about it. You can even teach them a few things along the way!

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31 May , 2023

Motivate your child to keep up their savings habits during the summer

The school year is almost over. Are you looking for ways to keep your child busy during the summer and help them manage their money responsibly?

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03 May , 2023

Why is saving so important?

Saving takes discipline, and it can be hard for children to see the point of it. Here are some reasons to help them understand why saving is important. 

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05 April , 2023

Introducing your child to volunteering

Have you ever thought about volunteering as a family? Find out how getting involved can be rewarding for you and your child.

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