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21 February , 2022

Talking about taxes and income tax

Do your children ask you why the price at the cash is not the same as one on the price tag? Are they already questioning you about the cost of seeing a doctor at the hospital?

After this activity, you'll have many ways to easily explain taxes and income tax and help your children understand the basics of our economy.

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04 December , 2021

Consumption: like parent, like child?

In families, it's rare that everyone agrees about money. It's only natural. Each family member has a unique relationship with money, particularly spouses.

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10 May , 2021

How to overcome test anxiety?

Here are a few tips to help your child overcome their anxiety during exam season.

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26 April , 2021

Should we talk about financial problems with our kids?

When debts pile up and there's a loss of income in the family, is it wise to discuss it with your kids? 

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26 March , 2021

2020 School Caisse Desjardins Foundation Prizes

Meet the winners of the 2020 School Caisse Desjardins Foundation Prizes 

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